“Wealth Management Services” is a broad category which includes a number of different services that clients look to our advisors for professional guidance. Each client’s situation is unique and therefore the services required are different. In general terms our advisors provide comprehensive estate and business succession planning as well as investment management services. Within each of these topics there are a number of specific areas of concentration, i.e. income planning, key employee benefits, asset protection, etc. that our advisors help their clients address.

From a financial product standpoint our advisors are extremely well positioned to offer our clients access to a wide array of products and services through our independent relationships. Neither Capital Analysts of New England nor our broker dealer, Lincoln Investment, offer proprietary products. Maintaining our independence has been a core principal since our founding and our clients have come to look to our advisors for our unbiased opinions. The following pages provide an overview of the various areas in which we believe we excel.