Retirement Planning

In its simplest form retirement planning is all about making sure that one has enough income to live the type of lifestyle that one chooses. From that simple statement however come a myriad of confusing options that our advisors can help you sort through. Their planning addresses the following:

  • They look at how much you need to save using various different methods quantify that amount-financial modeling software, spreadsheets, retirement calculators, etc.;
  • They look at which retirement vehicles would be most appropriate to help you save enough-IRAs, ROTH IRAs, 401(k) plans, Defined Benefit Plans, SIMPLEs, etc.;
  • They examine how best to fund these retirement vehicles. There are a dizzying array of possible investments-stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs, guaranteed income annuities, direct money managers, laddered bond portfolios, etc. and they help choose the best program for each individual client; and
  • Last, they coordinate this area of financial planning with other planning aspects. For example, one program may work well for retirement planning but be inconsistent with other planning goals. They identify these type of inconsistencies and help resolve them.